Kscope16 70.3 -> A Challenge

I’m taking part of my lunch today to challenge YOU towards better health and a heck of an achievement. Keep reading…

While at Kscope last month, Alex Gorbachev, Bjoern Rost and I were talking about doing a Half Ironman together around Kscope time next year. After reviewing the 2016 HIM calendar, we have settled on doing Eagleman, located in Cambridge, Maryland, just outside of Baltimore. It is the weekend before Kscope gets started, so no having to choose between the two events. (Note that registration is not open yet, but I will be checking daily and send out a notice when it is!)

So here is a challenge to you – are you in for the training for a Half Ironman? If you are curious about how much time and effort it will take to train, I can tell you it is extemely manageable. I started training in mid-December for a May 70.3 and finished with energy to spare. I normally train (and this is at the peak of training…towards the end) around 90 minutes Tuesday through Thursday, 3 hours on Friday and around 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Granted, I was also training for a marathon, which adds to the time. There are many training plans out there and we can steer you towards a good one. I, personally, have a coach who does my thinking (and provides accountability!) for me. If you are concerned about fitness, note that I started my training with terrible half marathon times and finished 6 months later in a respectable HIM time. YOU CAN DO IT.

Feel free to respond to any of us via email, Twitter DM, Facebook PM or via comments on this blog if you are interested. We are also talking about having custom tri suits made that circle around Oracle ambassador/ACE/other supporters. Interested in being a sponsor? Let us konw!

Our Oracle community can set the bar for fitness and example it to the younger techies coming up through school and the ranks. Are you in??


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